A yummy soup that is pleasing to the palate as well as the stomach. Mother will never complain about this one. This uses greens and egg whites. Nutritious , healthy, chunky and pleasing to the eye. Now that we've listed its virtues lets get down to how easy it is to make.
You need just a cupful of greens you like. Sliced french beans, capsicum, snow peas, spinach, bok choy, spring onions, coriander leaves, celery, cabbage etc. 2 cups chicken / vegetable stock, 1 tsp oil, 1 tsp crushed garlic, 1 ts grated ginger , salt, pepper to taste, 1/4 th tsp sugar. 1 egg white. 1 tsp cornflour mixed with water to make a thin paste .
Heat a pan and add 1/4 tsp oil to it. saute the ginger and then add garlic. add the chicken stock and bring to a boil. Add in the greens and the seasonings.Bring to a boil. Beat the egg white and slowly add to the boiling soup. Add in the cornflour paste and stir well. Serve.